Scientific Research

NIH Study Part 2 – The Devil’s in the Details

2024-11-18T10:21:11-08:00By |Diet, Sasang Constitution Medicine, Sasang Medicine Research, Scientific Research|

One of the things that’s critical in any scientific study is the protocol or the details. Examining the protocol is not what most people tend to do when they hear scientific results. But you cannot judge the outcomes if you […]

There’s no such thing as a perfect, one-size-fits all diet

2024-11-11T13:14:42-08:00By |Sasang Constitutional Medicine, Sasang Medicine Research, Scientific Research|

The title of this article sounds like a quote from either an Ayurvedic doctor or a Sasang practitioner, like myself. But surprisingly, the quote comes from an article about a huge clinical study, developed by the NIH, […]

Salt Is Bad For Everyone, Right? – A Comment On “The Truth About Salt”

2018-09-12T18:59:58-07:00By |Clinical Trials, Sasang Constitutional Medicine, Scientific Research|

In Sasang Constitutional Medicine, people of the Tae-yang and So-yang (greater and lesser yang) constitutions need to eat salt.  But we are told by almost everyone, everywhere that salt is bad for all of us.  Is that true?

After […]

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